The years have passed, the YA adaptations have collected dust, and people still can’t make sense of all the plot holes that riddled the Twilight saga.

Once the hardcore fans grew out of their vampire loving adolescent phase and Robert Pattinson finally washed his hair, it became more evident than ever that Twilight was missing a lot more than a healthy representation of romantic relationships.

While Stephenie Meyer’s novels captured the hearts of every teenage girl who dreamed of the perfect high school boyfriend, the movies really divided the fans into Team Edward and Team Jacob.

However, for all of those who went to see the movies for reasons other than the eye candy, there were way too many details that didn’t make sense in the long run. Why did their skin sparkle? Why did Alice have the ability to see the future? How much does the werewolves’ stench really affect the vampires’ abilities? These are just a few of the many things that fans found wrong in Twilight.

It will be wise to keep in mind that these observations are mostly based on the movies and not on the books– we are only focusing on how these details translated to the big screen.

Here are 15 Things That Show The Twilight Movies Make No Sense.

The Sparkliest Of Vampires

When Edward Cullen reveals his true nature to Bella, he does so by unbuttoning his shirt and stepping out into the sunlight. His skin begins to sparkle like diamonds, and we learn that he is a glittery guilt-ridden vampire.

This is one of the many vampire rules that Meyer uses, but it’s one that comes up whenever it’s convenient. Vampires have no problem going out in daylight, except for the fact that they tend to look like Tinkerbell’s relatives when they do.

It seems to be only direct sunlight that makes them sparkle, since they were able to go out and play baseball without sparkling.

The fast rule seems to be “if you would need sunglasses, you are definitely going to sparkle,” but even in the scene when Bella and Edward go to school as an item for the first time, Edward is wearing sunglasses.

Edward: Life Saver?

In the end of the first Twilight movie, Bella becomes the target of the vampire named James. After he breaks her leg and bites her, Bella comes close to turning into a vampire.

In order to save her, Edward has to suck out the venom and some of her blood which, don’t forget, is irresistible.

One must wonder: if the other vampire can poison her, then Edward’s venom should’ve also been poisonous.

It’s never explained how he manages to take the venom out of Bella without drinking too much blood. For the entire movie, all we hear is how tempted he is to end her because he craves her blood.

This is definitely a red flag by anyone’s standards.  Somehow, when Edward managed to take the venom out of Bella, and he is finally tasting Bella’s delicious blood, he is able to stop.

Jasper can manipulate Bella’s emotions

Part of Bella’s mystery is that no vampire can use their powers on her. Edward and Aro can’t read Bella’s mind and Jane can’t make her feel pain. Anything related to Bella’s mind is unreachable. In other words, Bella’s ability is being a super introvert.

However, how come Jasper can manipulate her emotions? In some occasions, Jasper uses his skill to calm Bella down, but aren’t emotions related to the mind? Also, if Bella is so closed off, how was Jasper able to achieve this?

Stephenie Meyer answered this question on her website, explaining that Jasper’s power is more science-based and that he controls her emotions by physically changing her pulse.

This seems like a completely different superpower. It seems like the vampires’ abilities turn from anatomical manipulation to ethereal abstract powers at the whim of Meyer.

Jacob Black has “Nice Guy Syndrome”

Jacob is the third wheel in this weird supernatural wagon. He appears to be the sweet and understanding alternative for Bella, except he isn’t sweet or understanding.

Sure, Jacob seemed like a standup guy in the first installment, but when it was Jacob’s time to shine in New Moon, he went through an endless cycles of being angry, fighting with Bella, storming off, and then coming back like nothing happened.

Jacob’s strategy was to be loving and supportive until things didn’t go his way, which they never did.

Bella always picked Edward and the vampires, while Jacob always acted surprised and hurt, which he dealt with by running into the woods and whining, or in most cases, howling.

Fans like to believe that Jacob was a better and safer choice for Bella, but he was just as manipulative and disrespectful as Edward about Bella’s freedom.

How can Bella kiss Edward?

When they are not fighting or struggling to survive, Edward and Bella are spending time together and being as intimate as they can be. However, one has to wonder how they were able to kiss.

According to the books and movies, vampires feel rigid to the touch, like marble. If this is the case, wouldn’t kissing him be like kissing Michelangelo’s David? Not that there’s anything wrong with David, but surely after a minute or two, your lips would start to bruise.

On top of that, it is said that Edward is cold to the touch because of this vampiric rigor mortis. Whenever Bella kisses her beau, she shivers and not just because she gets weak in the knees, but because his breath is freezing.

On top of being as hard as marble, he is as cold as an iceberg.

The Infamous Papercut

The Cullens make a big deal over the fact that Jasper has less self control around blood since he was the last member of the family to be adopted.

In the beginning of New Moon, Bella gets a paper cut when opening a birthday card. This is all it takes for Jasper to lose his mind. However, why is this such a big deal?

Jasper has spent less time around blood than the other Cullens, but he goes to high school where many nosebleeds could send him into full vampire mode.

Even worse, Jasper isn’t the youngest member of the family. He was a Major of the Confederate Army, making him at least 150 years old, whereas Edward is only 100.

How can Edward be more in control than Jasper? One could argue that perhaps Bella’s blood is irresistible to all vampires.

Why is Bella so irresistible?

From the very beginning of the first movie, when Bella meets Edward in biology class for the first time, Edward acts like he can barely contain himself around the scent of her blood.

In fact, he acts like he is about to throw up his lunch, but apparently nausea and desire are one and the same in Twilight.

Edward isn’t the only one who picks up on Bella’s unique scent, though. In New Moon, Aro, one of the three leaders of the Volturi coven, calls Bella “tua cantante,” meaning that her blood sings to Edward specifically.

Even so, many attest to the fact that Bella’s scent is particularly tasty. What is so special about Bella? Is it her innocence? Her benevolence? It is never really explained.

However, it’s a constant theme throughout the franchise that Bella seems irresistible.

 Werewolves VS Humans?

The Quileute tribe is all about protecting humans, which is one of the reasons they are so wary of having vampires in Forks.

The pact between the Cullens and the Quileutes stands because the Cullens have promised only to hunt animals. However, the werewolf pack has had more than one incident where they injured a human.

In New Moon, Bella confronts Jacob’s pack members and strikes one of them, causing him to lose control of his temper and shapeshift into a werewolf.

After he turns, he charges towards Bella and if it weren’t for Jacob intervening, Bella would have probably become dinner.

They also gloss over Sam Uley injuring his fiancée when he lost it for a second. While the Quileutes seem to have humans’ best interests at heart, they have made a few mistakes in the past, which they attributed to their short tempers and violent natures.

Why does Edward have to meet his end by the Volturi?

When Edward misunderstands Bella’s attempt to take her own life, he decides that he has no reason to live.

Intent on going all Romeo and Juliet, he plans to reveal his true nature to the humans of Volterra so that the Volturi, the most powerful vampire coven, will punish him.

Surely, any other vampire who wants to decimate him, like Victoria, can take him down especially if he isn’t putting up a fight. If he had kept his plan short and quick, Alice would never have been able to intervene.

Nevertheless, he came up with a plan that showed up clearly in Alice’s visions and gave her enough time to bring Bella to Italy so she could stop him, which is good because that meant two more books and three more movies.

The Werewolves’ Clothing

If you ever had trouble differentiating the vampires from the werewolves, the latter are always wearing jorts.

Even after they shapeshift, viewers can clearly see the clothing ripping into shreds, before the Quileutes come back in the next scene with a fresh pair of jean shorts on. Perhaps they stash their clothes in the woods, but it remains unclear.

In the books, it is stated that they can occasionally anticipate the change and disrobe before turning. 

In this case, they carry their clothing in their mouths. However, giant wolves carrying perfectly-folded shorts isn’t what epic movie battles are made of.

It’s clear that the producers wanted to make the movie as PG-13 as possible. However, that can’t include allowing a bunch of men to run around without clothing.

The Fastest Training Session

The main plot in Eclipse centers around Victoria’s revenge. In order to seek vengeance, she decides to raise an army of young vampires who are more violent and stronger than old vampires.

While this makes no sense, there is another aspect that really boggles the mind. In preparation for the newborn army, Jasper uses his battle skills to train vampires and werewolves for this fight.

The problem is that the training lasts less than a few hours in one afternoon. The two main things that they need to remember is to never let the enemies’ arms wrap around them and never go for an obvious target. They then proceed to throw each other around in the woods and call it a day.

While Twilight focuses mostly on the boring love triangle than on the action, this is by far one of the most useless training montages in movie history.

How can Bella get pregnant?

We know by now that Bella’s logic isn’t the best. In Breaking Dawn, when Edward and Bella finally get married, she wants to spend at least one night with Edward as a human before being turned into a vampire.

Edward agrees and soon enough, Bella finds out that she is pregnant with Edward’s vampire baby.

The movie spends the first hour wondering how it is possible and discovering that there have been some cases where vampires and humans have given birth to half-vampires.

However, here’s the problem: Edward is deceased. It is said that everything inside of Edward is technically venom.

There is no explanation anywhere that they might be able to create life together, but basic biology doesn’t stop this movie from making Bella’s pregnancy the plot of this two-part movie.

Why is Bella such a great newborn?

By the end of Breaking Dawn Part 1, Bella has given birth to her daughter and Edward has injected her with his venom, the only thing that will save her from what we’ll loosely call “the birth.”

The movie ends with a shot of Bella’s new, red vampire eyes.

In Breaking Dawn Part 2, the characters spend a good hour in awe of Bella’s superior skills as a newborn vampire. She is in complete control and can quickly suppress her desire for human blood.

She is extremely ahead of the curve, but it isn’t clear as to why, considering the fact that even the 150-year-old Jasper had a lot of issues.

Regardless, Bella shouldn’t be immune to all the raw needs of a new vampire.

Jacob, Come On Man

In Eclipse, Jacob explains to Bella how werewolves find their mate by imprinting. Basically, once a werewolf meets their mate, they will instantly know that they are connected.

However, Twilight really weirded their fans out when they decided that Jacob would fall in love with Bella’s baby, which explains why he had such deep feelings for Bella all along.

Jacob states that he will be there for Renesmee her entire life, as her friend, teacher, and parental figure, until she is of age. However, no matter how you try to explain it, it still sounds like he is grooming her.

They try to make this better by speeding up Renesmee’s growth via creepy CGI, but at the end of the day, it’s just plain weird.

Renesmee’s CGI

Bella and Edward’s newborn daughter has particularly special powers since she is half-human and half-vampire.

Her ability is to communicate her emotions, even at a young age, through touch. She also grows up incredibly fast.

The producers wanted Renesmee to have more expressive features during her baby scenes, which was depicted in the book to show that she was more emotionally and mentally mature than the average baby.

The result was jarring, as the crew superimposed a teenage actress’ facial expressions onto the baby.

It looked unnatural and scary. It is unclear why they didn’t use the baby’s natural expression, as babies are already extremely emotive. Babies smile, cry, and can even furrow their brows in concern.

It was the strangest, most bizarre use of CGI in the entire franchise and it still haunts every Twilight fan to this day.

What aspect did you think lacked logic from Twilight? Let us know in the comments!