There’s been quite a few of these critters across almost every mainstream game, not to mention one aptly-named mouse in the anime. And yet every single Pikachu is totally unique. What’s the best way to show that uniqueness? With an adorable nickname, of course. From male to female, cute & funny names, we’ve got it all. Whether you’ve just caught a brand new ‘chu and need a name, or you’re booting up a new game of Let’s Go and need a lovable nick for your electrifying partner, this list has plenty of to get the creative juices flowing. Zapatouille Chonker Mustard Synapse Pikababe Shocktave Blitz Zeus Checkers Pikawho Pikasso Cheese Jolts Photon Raiden Livewire Peekaloo Mr. Zap Fighter Kaminari Stevie Cheeks Cheekachu Red Fuze YellowBoi Storm Tesla Edison Thor Vivi Lucky Hendrix Joule Ray Pychuu Eppi Rikka Pika Peppy Wattson Shocker Mello Yello Mouserat Thumper Spike Battery Static Speedy Ixion Arion Shells Overcharge Pixel Sunrise Eurika Scabby Dryer Fluff Dodo Chariot Goldberg Hotwheels Polaris Legacy Boytoy Bomber IBM Banana Lemon Brokachu Tartar Taco Hippie FlipFlop Porter War Rat Dexcalibur CapnKirk Pokeyboi Paichu Wattz Magnetachu Lightyear Mickey ZipZapZop ZoomZoom Mazda Porsche Panini Hanchu Lawdy Cavalry Dancer Lady Guy Microwave Mr. Peeks Kazu Thunderstrike Shotput Lunchables Shunker Buzzerker Retro The OG OldFashioned Funky Baekachu Tinkerbell Spoony Banono Megachu Butler Beyonce Cheddur Pikapoo Breakfast Sizzle Krispy Luigi Fido Electro Electria PicknChew Ash Jr. PizzaButt Capchu Nugget Verizon Turbine PowerSource Spanky Sugar Baker Cupcake Bouncer Pikafella Virgil Squash Frenchfry Trumpet Homer SpongeBob Dark Volt Sulfur Paul Nectar Honeycomb Shorty Pickles BathBomb