And the same could be said for your Animal Crossing villagers. But building your own restaurant in-game is tricky. With so many options, it can be troubling to get started. What kind of restaurant do you want? How would it look? Do you want an interior build or an outdoor idea? Well here are some cool ideas for ACNH restaurant designs to help answer those questions and maybe spark some inspiration!

25. Small Seaside Café

Do you hate those giant rocks that suck up space on your beach? That’s probably because you’re like me and don’t know what the heck to do with them. This little café might be a good solution. To start this small café, you’ll want to lay down a custom designed boardwalk path. Then craft a stall and place an espresso maker and mom’s homemade cake on the counter. Now we’re cookin’. Next, craft some natural garden chairs and square tables from some iron and wood, and set them up in small two-person sitting areas. Lastly, decorate your café with some plants you can purchase on Nook Shopping. Maybe use some cypress plants, fan palms, cacao trees, and anthurium plants to bring your café to life!

24. Chinese Zen Restaurant

Every so often I can go for some Chinese food, even though I’m hungry again 30 minutes later. Well if you also like Chinese food, here’s a cool outdoor restaurant idea you could try building. To make this yourself, lay down some wooden path for flooring, and then craft some Zen fencing (which requires stone, clay, and iron to craft). Next, purchase some imperial tables and velvet stools to set up the dining area. You’ll also want to craft some stalls, and setup your serving area with all the yummy food you want to eat. A few steamer basket sets, a rice cooker, soup kettle, and rotating spice rack make for good serving equipment. Now it’s time to dig in!

23. Classic Italian Restaurant

Mama Mia! This is one spicy Italian restaurant build. To set up this eatery on your island, you’ll need plenty of custom designed furniture. Start with some tables with cloth, and customize them to have that classic red checker pattern. Next, craft a stall and customize it to have a red, green, and white pattern to represent the Italian flag. And you’ll also want a custom sign to announce your daily specials. Then craft a brick oven and a clay furnace, so that you can begin cooking some spaghetti, chicken cacciatore, or even a yummy pizza.

22. Sushi Restaurant

I definitely don’t eat sushi as much as I want. But at least I can do so vicariously through this outdoor restaurant design. As per usual, you’ll want to craft some stalls to start. But this time you’ll want to customize them to have some sushi displayed on the banners. Then craft some tea tables and bamboo stools from hardwood and bamboo respectively. You know, for seating. Top off the tables and stall counters with some small dining decorations that you can craft from bamboo. Add in some bamboo lunchboxes and steamer basket sets to make for some delicious Japanese dining.

21. Waterfall Café

Let’s be honest: waterfalls are beautiful pieces of nature, and they make for some gorgeous scenery while dining. This dining area consists of iron garden furniture such as tables and chairs, with some coffee cups on the table. To make this yourself, setup a small kitchen consisting of DIY items such as a brick oven, stall, and steamer basket sets. OK enough of that. What you care about are the cascading falls behind this eatery, right? All it really requires is some patient waterscaping and landscaping to make these wonderful waterfalls. So get building, and enjoy the view!

20. Bea’s Bistro

It’s not mandatory for Bea to be on your island. But if you want this restaurant’s name to be alliterative, then it’s highly recommended. (Barold, Beardo, and Bettina could also work). Whomever’s your star villager, place some wooden plank fencing around their house to create a dining area. For seating you’ll want some wooden tables and mini tables, along with iron garden chairs. Also craft some stalls, a brick oven, and an infused water dispenser, if you have access to all fruits that is. Lastly you’ll need a menu chalkboard and a wooden shop sign customized to proudly display your villager’s bistro.

19. Mini Ramen Bar

Back on the theme of Japanese food, I also quite enjoy ramen. And we have a ton of ramen shop designs already on our site. But this one’s a personal favorite. And now your villagers can do the same! As per usual, craft some stalls into counters to start. While not mandatory, I do like the orange and blue colors of the custom stalls, as they give of some brightness. You’ll also need to craft some wooden stools for seating, and a steamer basket set for eating. Be sure to purchase an imperial dining table, paper lantern, and drink machine as well. As a final touch, I like the various fish on display. While it’s slightly cruel since you’ll probably be eating those fish, it is a nice detail.

18. Coconut Cocktail Bar

Now this is an idea that I’ve seen many times, but it’s always worth mentioning since it’s really fun. And speaking of your beach rocks from earlier, you’ll want to set up this bar in one of the back corners of your island. Craft a stall, and display some coconut juice and a mixer. You’ll need those if you want to serve up a round of drinks. I really like the use of log benches for seating here. It’s probably not the most comfortable option, but it does help with the tropical look. Once you craft some wooden mini tables, you’d just add some coconut juice for everyone to enjoy.

17. English Tea Shop

Never been a fan of hot tea. But if you are, then perhaps try this classic tea shop design. First off, add some tables with cloth and natural garden chairs for a dining area. Next craft some ironwood cupboards to display all the desserts you can sell at your tea shop. I also think the barrels add a nice touch that makes this design feel like brewery. Gather some wood and iron to craft those. And finish off the tables with some tea and desserts. I’m talking about mom’s homemade cakes, traditional tea sets, tea pots, tea cups, and wedding cakes for everyone!

16. Oceanside Benihana

Here’s a fun idea to incorporate a specific style of cuisine with a particular ACNH furniture set. You’ll want to craft some shell tables for seaside dining, as well as iron garden chairs for sitting. Then craft a stall and ironwood kitchenette, and place a soup kettle on the counter ready to serve your many guests. Customize some unglazed pottery sets and place them on the tables as dinnerware for your patrons. The final touch is the anchor statue, as it really brings home the whole seafaring dining experience. Ahoy!

15. Stone Garden Diner

A great outdoor design makes use of the natural environment available, and this idea does just that. The key to this design is the stone garden walls, which are made out of simple panels with custom designed walls and windows. I also like how this person set the restaurant up on two different levels, with an incline leading to the upper level. Once you’ve done that, you’d want to craft plenty of natural garden chairs and square tables to fill the dining area. Lastly, purchase a den desk, menu chalkboard, and a drink machine. Now you’re in business!

14. Dessert Café

Some restaurants are primarily known for their desserts, like The Cheesecake Factory. And with this idea, you can do the same. Start it off with crafting some stalls and customizing them to have a vibrant flower pattern. On the stalls, you want to display your many delicious desserts. You’ll want mom’s homemade cake, a yule log, and the first anniversary cake. To complement the desserts, also place a cappuccino machine. Because why not, right? Lastly, set up a table with tablecloth and a wooden chair so you can dine in and enjoy your confectionary creations!

13. Dinner on the Docks

The number one rule of real estate is location, location, location. Sometimes it’s where you put your restaurant that makes all the difference. If you’re tired of your boring old dock, then turn it into a restaurant! Start this idea by crafting some iron garden chairs and tables for seating, and even display some desserts like a wedding cake to increase your appetite. But the real charm of this restaurant build comes in the custom designs. The customized standees make for good fake windows when outdoors, and the custom plant design bordering the area gives it even more character.

12. Beachside Pizza Parlor

Speaking of location, how about right on the edge of the beach for a nice pizza parlor? (Not going to lie, pizza on the beach sounds amazing). Start this idea by crafting a brick oven and a stall. Then you want to customize the stall to show an awesome pizza pattern. I like matching furniture, so the antique mini tables and natural garden chairs together is not my cup of tea. However, you’re free to mix and match them to your heart’s content. Lastly, display your custom designed menu right by the counter so your guests know what to order.

11. Outdoor Fine Dining

Who doesn’t love fine dining? Or rather, how many of you can actually afford fine dining? Not me. However, I’m sure you can afford the bells to set up this exquisite outdoor restaurant. I really like this player’s custom wooden flooring, as they went through the trouble of adding detail in the shading of the planks and arranged them in this neat pattern. To restyle this yourself, you’ll need some wedding tables of various colors, and antique chairs for some fancy seating. I also like the detail in the custom simple panels behind all of the brick ovens, stalls, and kitchenettes. It really shows off all the fine china.

10. Fruity-licious Café

No furniture set in Animal Crossing gets me hungrier than all the fruit furniture you can craft. I hope you’ve obtained all the fruits you can, because for this idea you’ll need them all. There’s apple chairs, pear chairs, and peach chairs, all able to be crafted from their respective fruits. For tables, you’ll need oranges for orange tables. And this player even used a pear bed for a table. So, I guess you can lay down on that and eat? Well, it matches either way. Lastly, craft some stalls and customize them to your favorite fruit pattern. And be sure to crank up the music on your cherry speaker!

9. Rainforest Café

If you’ve ever eaten at the Rainforest Café, then you’re well aware that it’s quite the dining experience. While not a perfect recreation, this build is a gorgeous dining venue with a similar rainforest aesthetic. For this build you’ll want to start by obtaining some ivy wallpaper from Saharah. Or if you’re feeling especially exotic, go for some jungle wallpaper. Next, purchase some cloth tables and rattan chairs for seating, and display a table setting at each position. Maybe even craft a fountain from stone for even more dinnertime scenery.

8. White Wedding Reception

Who’s ready to get hitched? Well even if you’re not, you can still setup this stunning wedding reception area in ACNH. Start by laying down a custom stone pathway. The prettier the better! Then keep this idea going by placing some wedding tables and chairs in neat rows, as well as placing a wedding cake at the end of the dining aisle. Also, craft some turkey day pedestals and hyacinth lamps for some elegant wedding day décor. Top off your reception by placing a grand piano and piano bench by the waterfall for some romantic wedding day tunes.

7. Pirate’s Booty

Argh, matey! If you’re in the seafaring mood, then perhaps give this cool pirate restaurant a go. This design requires multiple levels of elevation to be aligned just right on the coastline. So keep that in mind. On the lower level, place some customized standees to look like pirate ship windows. Also, craft iron natural garden furniture for window side seating. If you’ve ever woken up Gullivarrr, then you’ve probably obtain items like a pirate barrel, pirate’s helm, treasure chest, and pirate ship cannon. You’ll want to use these for pirate décor around the restaurant. On the upper level of this build, include a kitchen consisting of a brick oven and a clay furnace for cooking, and a wedding table and antique chairs for dining area. Then be sure to don your pirate captain’s coat and get ready for a whale of meal.

6. Luscious Vineyard Eatery

Here’s another fun outdoor setting for your restaurant: a beautiful vineyard area. Start this idea by customizing some simple panels to have a vineyard lattice pattern with leaves growing out of it. Also, create a custom design to look like a wine rack – because you’re in a vineyard after all! Then lay down some custom wooden pathways for flooring, and set up the wedding tables and chairs for a seating area. At the front you’ll want a reception area with a den desk, fax machine, and podium. While certainly not mandatory, the cherry blossoms also make for an even more colorful dining experience.

5. Outdoor Village Tavern

Don’t be the village idiot. Try out this unique outdoor dining setup! Start by customizing the simple panels as seen here to replicate medieval village buildings. I also want to acknowledge the custom wooden plank pathway that also looks like what you’d find in a village. Really well done. Then setup some wedding tables for dining, and hay for seating. Because apparently hay bales are all they could afford to sit on in this tavern. Lastly, place a wedding head table with a homemade cake up there for dessert. Now your villagers can dine in an actual village!

4. Jazz Lounge & Bar

Dinner with some music is always a delightful experience. And here you can listen to some classical jazz while you eat. Start this build by setting up the room with some black hallway wallpaper and brown iron parquet flooring. Next, create a bar area with some velvet stools and den desks topped with table settings. Also make some customized simple panels to look like a menu board and bar shelf. As for the seating area, you’ll need some double sofas, imperial low tables, and even a fireplace to add some warmth. But the star of this design is the music. This player crafted a lily record player, which does look very nice with the rest of the furniture. Or if you prefer live music, creating a small stage area with a drum set and alto saxophone is also an idea to consider.

3. City View Restaurant

If you’re afraid of heights, then this design may ne be your cup of tea… But just look at that view! While not actually high up in a skyscraper, this restaurant build does give off the illusion of a top floor dining area. To make this yourself, you’ll want to obtain some cityscape wallpaper to look out on the city below. As for the dining area, purchase some tables with cloth and rattan chairs. Once placed neatly, set up each person’s seat with a table setting. Then create a small counter with some den desks and diner low stools. I also think all of the various plants pictured here, like the bonsai tree and monstera, make for great décor in this stunning skyscraper eatery.

2. Jolly Jollibee’s

I’ve never eaten at a Jollibee. In fact, the closest one to my house is two hours and one state away. I checked. However, that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate all the creativity that went into this idea. If you want to re-create this for yourself, start by setting up the kitchen with a double door refrigerator and an ironwood kitchenette. Then create a counter around the kitchen that consists of some stalls customized to the classic Jollibee red and yellow. You’ll also want to craft some natural garden square tables and chairs to set up the dining area. And it wouldn’t be Jollibee without a custom design of Jollibee himself. Or if Jollibee is not your thing, then just play around with colors to make this into whatever fast food restaurant you like!

1. Beachside Brunch

If you like breakfast, lunch, and the beach, then look no further than this adorable beachside brunch spot. To make this yourself, start off by selecting your favorite area on the beach. Could be as big or as small as you want, since you can always adjust this idea to suit your style. But this design consists of two stalls carefully customized to have a brick pattern to match the neighboring fireplace. You’ll also need to craft some log benches that act as tables in this case, and purchase some cushions for comfortable beachside seating. Then all you have left is to purchase some items like a microwave, a tea kettle, and a serving cart to provide the perfect mid-morning meal.

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