When the salvage dogs show up in the U.S., they will be moved to a restoration community worked by HSI and the Compassionate Society of the US (HSUS) to recuperate from the excursion and plan for reception. The canines will get love, solace, beds, enhancement, and veterinary consideration at the rehabilitation clinic — a long ways from the awkward states of an infertile canine meat ranch confine. When the little guys are prepared to find homes, the HSUS will move them to covers for reception.


“For these canines traveling to the US, South Korea’s canine meat industry will before long be ancient history.

In any case, countless different canines are as yet moping in horrendous circumstances on canine meat ranches for a meat that not many Koreans need to eat, and most need prohibited,” Sangkyung Lee, a canine meat campaigner for Compassionate Society Global/Korea, said in an explanation.

— AR (@AR36098813) November 4, 2022

The creature darlings behind the salvage of these 34 canines know the existences of the canines are simply going to improve, and they are confident that they can give similar blissful completion of the pets staying in the canine meat exchange. “It is a demonstration of the impressive skill and viability of our staff and creature advocate accomplices in South Korea that neighborhood specialists there are working all the more regularly with us to assist with organizing care for canines saved from the meat exchange.

As these protected canines show up in the US and move into our restoration community, we anticipate the following section: setting them up to be taken on into cherishing homes where they can at long last appreciate life as all canines ought to,” Kitty Block, president and Chief of the Others conscious Society of the US and President of Compassionate Society Worldwide, said.

To get familiar with HSI’s work to end the canine meat industry around the world, visit the association’s site.